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Keswick - Lake District
Copyright Marcus Roberts (with additional material by Dr Yaakov Wise (also with special thanks to Ian Tyler for his expertise on local mining history)
Touring the Area
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This trail is perhaps one of the most interesting and varied of all of the JTrails trails, as it takes in not only Keswick, the capital and jewel of the northern Lakes, but also but also includes sites around one of the most beautiful of the Lakes, Derwent Water and then further westward, around Newlands and even up the Newlands Valley, into the heart of the Mountains. For the intrepid (and properly fit and prepared) there is a visit to the former Elizabethan mines at Goldscope and a walk on the wild-side up the Newlands Valley and even up an old pack-horse trail to Dale Head at 2,000 feet. It must be noted that exploring around the old mine sites and entering the mines is dangerous and should only be done with proper equipment and guidance. While the initial walk up Newlands is a Sunday afternoon walk for the relatively fit, with the correct kit, the walk up to Dale Head is severe and full mountain conditions may be encountered.
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