Your search for all items in the catergory Celebrities
Title: Stephen Fry
Category: Miscellaneous
Description: An emotional Stephen Fry had tears rolling down his cheeks as he retraced his Jewish roots in the BBC series Who Do You Think You Are?
Title: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
Category: Oxford
Description: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook was born in Griva, Latvia in 1865. In 1904, he moved to Ottoman Palestine to assume the rabbinical post in Jaffa. The outbreak of the First World War caught him in Europe, and...
Title: Nigella Lawson
Category: Miscellaneous
Description: She may by a ‘domestic goddess’, and daughter of a former Chancellor, but for all her charm and class, Nigella Lawson is descended from a petty thief.
Title: Henry Winkler
Category: Miscellaneous
Description: Imagine the Fonz putting on his cuppel, lighting his Chanukah lights and singing Ma’oz tsur? Hard huh? But that’s just what Happy Days king of cool was planning to do when he was in London last De...
Title: H.L.A. (Herbert) Hart
Category: Oxford
Description: H.L.A. Hart was born in 1907, the son of a Jewish tailor of Polish and German descent. He was educated at Bradford Grammar School and New College Oxford, where he obtained a brilliant first class in C...
Title: David Baddiel
Category: Miscellaneous
Description: Comic David Baddiel has revealed how tracing his family tree helped him gain a valuable insight into his Jewish identity.