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© Marcus Roberts with original research and contributions by Ian Holt. Trail and Project Kindly funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund
Touring the Area
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Touring Jewish Gloucester
While the historic Jewish community in Gloucester may have been small, there are a number of sites across the city associated with the community, which may be traced in the course of an afternoon, starting at the centre of the city, in the heart of the medieval Jewry, along with the other heritage landmarks of the city, such as the cathedral and docks. While some of the sites are somewhat scattered across the city, many of the key sites are around the immediate centre of the city and along Southgate Street extending up to the Docks - a round walk of 1 ½ miles or 2.4 km, which is traced below, and covers many of the key site, though the cemeteries are perhaps best tackled separately, as they lie to the east of the city centre and the Jewish reserve at Coney Hill is worth visiting in particular.
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