Places of interest
Bookmark this page | E-mail this page to a friend1. The Priory - Seirol Road
The history of the Jews in the area date back to medieval times, but they were not welcome by the Friars themselves. Here is the site of the original Friary built in the 1230s.Whilst digging the foundations of the distinctive COPEC (Christian Order in Politics, Economics and Citizenship) houses on Seiriol Road in the 1920s, the foundations of a large building were exposed. They turned out to be those of the Dominican Friary established in c.1237 by the Welsh Prince Llywelyn ap Gruffydd who had a very violent history. Edward I's army burnt it down during the Welsh/English wars of the early 1280s. Regretting the attack, Edward gave the Friars compensation to rebuild their Friary a little further up the hill.
The Dominicans were not sympathetic to any local Jews - but initially Edward I had a use for them. Records suggest that Master James of St. George, Edward I's castle builder, brought Jews in to assist in the castle building programme at Caernarfon and Beaumaris, particularly to keep records. However, the intensity of castle building was bankrupting the country so Edward I began to raise taxes - and the Jews were heavily targeted.
A Charter given to the borough of Caernarfon, on the creation of the first Prince of Wales, Edward 1, in 1284, stated, 'Jews shall not at any time dwell in the said borough'. The charter remained force and was confirmed by subsequent sovereigns as late as Elizabeth in 1559.
SH 58571 72785
Lat: 53.233216 Long: -4.1203773
Morris Wartski opened his original shop in Bangor in 1895. This was the beginning of what would turn out to be an international business empire...Morris Wartski was born on 25 May 1855 in Turek, modern-day Poland and, as a very young man, fled the anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian empire, then emigrated to Liverpool and eventually settled in Bangor by 1882. He became a licensed peddler and, as he was carrying his stock of watches and jewellery across Menai Suspension Bridge one day, he was offered a lift by the driver of a pony and cart. According to one version of the story, by coincidence, the carter turned out to be none other than the Marquess of Anglesey who owned a number of properties on the High Street in Bangor. The result of the chance meeting was that Wartski was offered the premises at No.21 to open his first jeweller's shop in 1895.
Later, the first Jewish services in Bangor were held in a room at these premises but it soon proved to be 'unsuitable for purpose' and a synagogue was opened a little further up the high street.
Two of his sons, Harry and Charles also went into business and opened a Wartski's store in Llandudno and in 1911, Morris' son-in-law Emmanuel Snowman opened a branch in London. To this day, Wartski's remains a family run firm and it has a Department Store in St. James' Street in London and an outlet in New York, dealing in fine jewellery, gold boxes, silver and works of art by Carl Fabergée. Clients over the years have included Jacqueline Onassis, Hollywood stars and the Royal Family. It even featured in a story by Ian Fleming, another well-known customer. From such humble beginnings...
Morris Wartski died in Conwy in 1946, aged 90 and iwas interred at one a of the Jewish cemeteryies in Liverpool.
SH: 57726 71646
LAT: 53.222758 LONG: -4.1325223
3. Morris Wartski's Drapery - 204 High Street (Corbett Bookies Heddiw)
Such was the success of Morris Wartski's first shop that he soon had to relocate his business to larger premises....Morris Wartski's shop at 21 High Street was an immediate success and it became obvious to him that in order to expand he would have to relocate to larger premises. He moved to a much more central and sought after location at 204 High Street where he opened a Drapery. Whilst there his success meant that he was able to buy a large house for himself, his wife Flora and 6 children at Eldon Terrace on Glanrafon Hill. It's obvious that he did very well for himself.
Location: SH 58116 72004
Lat: 53.226075 Long: -4.1268468
4. 'Wartski' Square - Market Square
Three of Morris Wartski's sons followed him into business and were immensely successful. Isidore Wartski opened a fine drapery at 196-200 High Street by 1918 and soon he bought 'The Castle Hotel' opposite, transforming it into one of the most sumptuous in the whole of North Wales...For centuries, the 'square' that creates the junction with the High Street and Glanrafon was Bangor's Market place and by the time that Thomas Telford had completed his London to Holyhead Road in 1830 this was a very important and busy place indeed. Stagecoaches from and to London would stop at The Castle Inn (where 'New Look' stands today) for well-to-do passengers.
In 1918, Isidore Warski opened his much revered Quality Drapery and Clothing Store at 196-200 High Street. Two years later, he bought The Castle Inn opposite and turned it into the high-class 'Castle Hotel'. Locals re-named The Market Square as 'Wartski's Square'. The Castle Hotel, which once stood here, was well known for its plush interiors, Oak-lined lounges and smoke rooms, restaurant, drawing rooms and especially its famous 'Empire Ballroom' where 200 people gathered for dances on Friday and Saturday nights. After years of sad decline, the building was demolished in 1996.
SH 58083 72002
LAT: 53.226048 LONG: -4.1273296
5. Shafran's Deli - 62 High Street (Mortgage Shop)
The family that escaped the Nazis and set up the first Deli in Bangor....Among the Jewish families who escaped Nazi persecution and arrived in Bangor during the war was that of Philip Shafran and his wife Lily. They opened a delicatessen (the first for the city) here in 1939 and was so successful that it was frequently reported to have people queuing up the street outside. The Shafrans retired and moved to London in 1963 to be closer to their children.
LOCATION: SH 57900 71741
Lat: 53.223657 Long: -4.1299528
6. Burton's & Louis Monnickendam's Diamond Cutting Factory - 233 High Street
Burton's store, the foundation stones and the Second World War Diamond Cutting Factory...Burton's was set up by Sir Montague Burton (15 August 1885 - 21 September 1952d.1952), a Jewish immigrant from Lithuanian Jew who came to Britain in 1900 to escape Russian pogroms. The two foundation stones of the building were laid by his children: a son called Stanley and a daughter called Barbara. It became a tradition for Sir Montague's children to lay the foundation stones in all his stores throughout the country.....
The Second World War saw an influx of Jewish refugees, escaping Nazi persecution. In 1940, Louis Monnickendam relocated his diamond cutting and polishing business from London (where he had been since 1914) to the top floor of Montague Burton's store in Bangor. As well as Jewish refugees, the factory also employed local people. They worked 45 hours a week for 15 shillings and it was considered 'essential' work in the war effort as their work involved producing vital parts for the armaments industry.
SH 58180 72044
Lat: 53.226451 Long: -4.1258973
7. Wartski Fields and Memorial - 'The Lookout', Holyhead Road
The memorial to Isidore Wartski near The Lookout on Holyhead Road....In 1968, three years after his death, his wife Winifred Marie bought from the Faenol Estate a number of fields at Nantporth Farm, Holyhead Road. She then donated the land to the people of Bangor in his memory. There a plaque reads:
Donated to the City of Bangor
by Winifred Marie Wartski
in memory of her husband
Mayor of Bangor 1939-41
The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof
LOCATION:SH 57326 72286
Lat: 53.228393 Long: -4.1387880
8. The Synagogue at 'Arvonia House' - 'Y Gorlan', opposite 'The Harp'
By the end of the 1880s, the Jewish population of Bangor had grown so much that the call came to open the first Synagogue....By the end of the 1880s, the Jewish population of Bangor was growing so rapidly that it became apparent that obtaining a suitable building would be necessary for religious purposes.
In May 1894, both the Jewish Chronicle and the local press printed appeals for financial and public assistance for, 'support to find a place of worship'. The wider community was very supportive and among the resulting contributors were:
Sir Samuel Montagu Bart MP, who donated £5, the Misses Samuda £5, Dennis E. Samuel Esq. £4, Ellis A Franklin £2 2s, Selim Samuel £2 2s, Jacques Schoeps, Esq. Manchester £2 2s, Messrs Barrett Wartski & Co £10.
As a consequence of this, a two-roomed Synagogue was opened in 'Arvonia House' (which superseded preceded the present building, 'Y Gorlan').
The wartime diaries of a Maurice Hesselberg, who had his bar mitzvah in the Arvonia Building in December 1939, gives this description of the interior:
'...There were two rooms: one room was the synagogue which had a tall wooden partition that separated the ladies section. Low down in the partition there was a flap through which children could get to their father in the men's section or vise-versa. The men's section contained the Ark (a cupboard with a curtain in front). There was also a reading desk and chairs. The Ark was on the window wall with a seat on either side. These were the seats of honour for the President or any distinguished guest'.
Unfortunately, the congregation decreased over the years and the Synagogue was finally closed in 1963. Any Jewish services thereafter took place in a room at the Tabernacle Chapel on Garth Road until they, too, ceased in the following decade.
LOCATION: SH 57913 71774
Lat: 53.223959 Long: -4.1297704
9. The Hyman Family and the Lost Streets Of Bangor - The Old Market, High Street. (W.H.Smiths)
By 1830 the Hyman brothers had opened a shop on a street called 'Waterloo Place'....but where exactly was it?In the early 1820s, two brothers called Michael and Joseph Hyman (members of the Liverpool Hebrew Congregation) are recorded as being jewellery hawkers in the Bangor area.
Joseph soon opened a watch and clock making business at 'Waterloo Place', but this was short lived. However, this does make it the earliest recorded Jewish-owned business in the City.
'Waterloo Place' no longer exists, but the location of the 'Waterloo Inn' and a map of the City by John Wood in 1834, gives us a clue as to its location. Wood's map shows a cul-de-sac running off 'Market Street' (the High Street as it is known today) where the Market Hall (presently W.H. Smiths') was built. 'The Waterloo Inn' hereabouts is a clue that the area was named in honour of those who fell in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. In the alley beside the Inn, you can make out a part of those old lost streets.
Unfortunately, Joseph Hyman was not known for being particularly sociable and had quite a temper. An article in an edition of The Chronicle on 24 January 1828 describes at length how he stormed into the newspaper's office and proceeded to verbally abuse the staff using 'words that cannot be repeated or printed'. In an earlier article in The Chronicle, Hyman had felt that his wares had been given a poor review. During his tirade at the paper's offices, he insisted that 'the quality of his goods were as good as that of any German prince'.
LOCATION:SH 58165 72040
Lat: 53.226408 Long: -4.1261172
10. Second Diamond Factory - 43 High Street ('Brewers Paint Shop')
The location of Bangor's second diamond cutting factory.....Soon after Louis Monnickendam had opened his diamond cutting factory above Burton's store, the need for more diamonds for the war effort meant that the business had to expand and a second factory was opened on the upper floor of 43 High Street ('Brewers' today on the corner of High Street and Farrar Road). Among the Jewish refugees to work here were the families of Sarah Espinoza from Antwerp and the Lichtenstern family, who fled Germany in 1939, and arrived here in 1944 when a cousin of theirs found them a council house in which to live in Coed Mawr.
As a result of this sudden influx, Jewish social and religious life in the city flowered for the duration of the war, but most left as soon as hostilities came to an end. Monnickendam's diamond cutting and polishing business still exists today and is located in London.
LOCATION: SH 57806 71686
Lat: 53.223132 Long: -4.1313422
11. Gerrit Wins' Diamond Factory - Llys Gwynedd, Tan-Y-Fynwent
The third Diamond Cutting Factory in Bangor...Towards the end of the war, Louis Monnickendam's diamond cutting factory was bought by Gerrit Wins and relocated to Llys Gwynedd on Tan-y-Fynwent Street, then the Liberal Club.
Gerrit Wins had fled Belgium with his wife and two sons when the Germans invaded in 1940. They travelled to Bordeaux, France to board a ship to Britain. However, they missed the ship, so Gerrit hired a motor launch and chased the ship, catching up with it in the English Channel and hauled his family and wares up a rope ladder and settled in Bangor. Wins died in 1961.
LOCATION: SH 58179 72144
Lat: 53.227350 Long: -4.1259563
12. The Aronson Family's first Shop - 272 High Street ('HSBC' Bank)
The family from Prussia that set up a Jewellery making business in Bangor....After years of peddling their wares door to door, by 1828, local newspapers were advertising that Saul and John Aronson from Prussia were operating a Silversmith's and a Jeweller's, 'opposite Mr. Harris' Wine Vaults', and by 1833 they had, 'moved to more commodious premises due to increased patronage', at Berlin House, on Market Street (an old name for part of the High Street).
Whilst there, John married Maria Lazarus from London and had eight children. More research needs to be done to exactly locate the premises mentioned above as the streets have since been renamed or built over. However, in the Bangor Electoral Source of 1851, John Aronson is listed as trading alone at 'Bank Place, High Street'. We can trace exactly where this was, as it is listed as 272 High Street in Slater's Directory of 1868. This is where HSBC Bank stands today which was built in 1849, originally as 'three premises'. The plaque on the building that reads 'Bank Established 1836', refers to the Company itself and not the building.
John Aronson immersed himself in Welsh culture and produced medals and ornaments for local Eisteddfodau (Welsh Cultural Festivals) during the 1850s and 1860s.
In 1869, The Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald reported:
'A box of jewellery sold by John Aronson placed on a train in Bangor for shipment to Southampton has not been seen since. How and where the goods were abstracted from the train remains a mystery. The goods valued at £600 and Mr. Aronson had unfortunately not insured it'.
John Aronson relocated to Salford near Manchester by the 1870s, but many of his children stayed in Bangor including his son, Moses.
LOCATION: SH 58282 72154
Lat: 53.227463 Long: -4.1244167
13. Pollecoff's - 290 High Street ('Peacocks')
To this day, local people who remember Pollecoff's Household and General Drapery store, fondly recall its elegance, style and quality, 'at reasonable prices'.Born in Russia in 1868, Philip Pollecoff escaped the Jewish persecution there in the 1880s and first settled in Liverpool with his brother Solomon and widowed mother Rachel. They soon moved to Holyhead where Philip peddled matches from a handcart door to door. Soon after, he opened a Drapery there too. The Bangor Store opened in June 1908 and was soon followed by others in Pwllheli and Caernarfon.
When the store had its famous summer sales, crowds would queue outside for hours waiting for the doors to open. Pollecoff's Motto was: 'TOP QUALITY....BOTTOM PRICES'.
One person who recalls Pollecoffs said, 'I remember being amazed with the cash system in Pollecoff's, the money got put in a tube and you had to wait for it to come back from the office with your change.' This is not surprising, as he was not known for his generosity. Another Bangor resident recalls, 'Pollecoffs he was a mean man. I knew his chauffeur driver - he had sandwiches in his pocket and would order a tea or coffee at a cheap shop and sit there and eat his sandwiches slyly...'
One may, however, may imagine that such habits accrued from their hardships in Russia and the anecdote about him employing a local boy because he mistakenly thought he was starving, tells another story...
Throughout the decades, up until the store finally closed in the 1980s, Pollecoff's original handcart from the days when he used to sell matches from door to door, sat in the yard behind the building. We wonder what happened to it?
LOCATION: SH 58336 72206
Lat: 53.227951 Long: -4.1236335
14. Tŷ Gwyn, Pollecoff's House (private property) - Ty Gwyn, Peacock Lane
Pollecoff's grand house overlooking the city....By the end of the 1930's, Philip Pollecoff had built his dream house on the top of Love Lane overlooking the city. There he grew apple trees. An old Bangor resident recalls as a child, 'Mr Pollecoff caught me nicking apples in his terraced garden & ran after me. Next day there was a knock on the door. Guess who?! Mr Pollecoff wanted to see me. He gave me a job cleaning china in the little house behind the store - he thought I was starving'.
LOCATION: SH 58124 72679
Lat: 53.232141 Long: -4.1270238
15. Bryn Y Mor, Holyhead Road: Philip Pollecoff's Early House (Private Property) - Holyhead Road
Philip Pollecoff's grand house overlooking the Strait - where tragedy struck the family....Before Pollecoff built his house on the top of Love Lane overlooking the city, the family had previously lived in Bryn y Môr, on the corner of Holyhead Road and Menai Avenue in Upper Bangor. In August 1932, tragedy struck the family. Harry, one of Pollecoff's sons, suffered from depression and one day he disappeared from the house. He was later spotted on a train in Chester and due to his distressed state was persuaded to take a train back home. But he never arrived and his body was later found next to the railway line near Shotton. He had thrown himself in front of the Irish Mail train.
LOCATION:SH 57436 72770
Lat: 53.228283 Long: -4.1371357
16. The Anti-Semitic Assault of 1896 - Holyhead Road (Morrisons)
The terrible assault on two young Jewish men in Upper Bangor on the 9th of October 1896...The Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald of 23 October, 1896, recorded the court case following a terrible and extremely violent attack on Moses Aaronson and Julius Rutkowski, a couple of weeks previously. The seriousness of and scale of the sustained violence inflicted on both men shocked the city. It was the only 'anti-Semitic assault' ever recorded in Bangor. On the morning of the 9 October, Aaaronson and Rutkowski were walking past St. James' Church, Holyhead Road, when they were set upon by two local men, John Jones and George May, armed with a bucket of tools. What followed was a tirade of 'anti-Semitic abuse' and both Aaronson and Rutkowski were terribly injured in a sustained assault. Somehow, Rutkowski managed to crawl to an adjacent barber's shop, but his assailants followed him there and continued their violence. Aaronson lay unconscious in the street outside when witnesses say they saw a third man, David Hughes, join in the assault and continue to kick him whilst he lay on the ground.
In court, John Jones was sentenced to one month imprisonment, George May to 14 days and David Hughes was fined 10s and costs.
LOCATION:SH 57600 72054
Lat: 53.226382 Long: -4.1345823
17. Derwen-Deg and World War II - Entrance To Derwen-Deg (Private), opposite Bangor Tennis Club, Hwfa Road
Isidore Wartski builds his 'dream castle by the sea' .... the scene of interesting events during the Second World War...A hugely respected businessman, Isidore Wartski, became an influential figure in the civic and cultural life of Bangor and was patron of local sports and charities. He was Chair of the Bangor Chamber of Commerce and became Councillor of Bangor North Ward in 1927. In 1939, at the outbreak of the Second World War, he was elected the first Jewish Mayor of Bangor. He was a very popular figure and played an integral part in the development of this city as it stands today, in particular the demolition of the old slums around Hirael and the development of Coed Mawr and Maesgeirchen estates.
Isidore Wartski had always aspired to building his 'dream house - a modern castle by the sea'. By the 1930s, he had the means by which to build one. There he would both entertain his peers as Mayor of Bangor, as well receive visitors and show kindness to the 'not so well-off'. In the early years of the war, Wartski 'stockpiled' and filled a room in the house with cans of soup, pineapples and vegetables of all kinds for giving to the needy. There, he also gave shelter to the occasional refugee. One, called Ben, wrote of his two years at Derwen-Dêg and remembered the Wartskis' kindness fondly. It was not a kindness that was always rewarded. Ben wrote of another refugee that Wartski put up called Yvan, who stole some of the stockpiled food, to sell on the black market around Bangor. When confronted by Wartski, Yvan escaped to Scotland. In retaliation, Yvan went to the authorities to report Wartski's stockpile of food as this was a crime during the war. Thanks to Mrs. Wartski, who was related to Harold Joseph Laski, a Labour politician with 'connections', the Mayor of Bangor was not sent to prison. However, an army lorry was sent to the house to retrieve the stockpiled food.
Mayor Wartski was, however, commended for also providing a safe haven the contents of the Montefiore Jewish Museum of Ramsgate and the Jews' College Library at Derwen-Dêg for the duration of the war.
LOCATION:SH 57588 72476
Lat: 53.230172 Long: -4.1349471
18. Joseph Owen's Kosher Meats - 211 High Street ('Headmasters' )
The only Kosher Meat Butcher in the history of Bangor....'Headmasters' hairdresser occupies 211 High Street today, but for many years, from the 1890s, this was once 'Joseph Owen's Kosher Meats' butcher's shop supplying prime kosher meats.
This is an advert for the shop that appeared in the Jewish Chronicle, on 3 August 1894:
'The only Kosher Butcher in North Wales. Important to visitors as residents. - JOSEPH OWEN, BUTCHER, 211, High-street, and Bodawen, BANGOR, North Wales. Supplies prime kosher Beef, Lamb, Veal, and the celebrated Welsh Mutton. Examined by the Rev. I. Rosenzweig, by permission of the chief Rabbi, Dr. Hermann Adler'.
Newspaper articles tell us that Joseph liked to compete in local Eisteddfodau and in January 1874 won a recital competition at the Chapel Eisteddfod in Hirael Methodist Chapel.
In 1904, his son, Morris Owen passed an exam to join the mercantile marines as a first mate.
LOCATION: SH 58130 72019
Lat: 53.226210 Long: -4.1266429
19. The Bolloten Family Story - 22 College Road, Upper Bangor
Joseph Bolloten was a very successful businessman known for his sense of humour.... but he also had a 'darker side'.Joseph Bolloten was born in Russia and had settled in Bangor by 1900, with his wife Betty. He began his career peddling jewellery and watches in the local quarrying villages and became very successful. By the outbreak of The Great War he had opened a shop in Upper Bangor and soon also began to sell musical instruments from 22 College Road. In August 1910, Joseph Bolloten was appointed Director of the 'International Piano and Organ Manufacturers Combine', who were based in London. The purpose of the 'Combine' was to arrange countrywide trade shows selling musical instruments, and Joseph was put in charge of organizing them. Bolloten learnt and spoke fluent Welsh and sponsored one of the choir competitions at the National Eisteddfod in Bangor in 1902, but his wife and son did not speak the language.
Joseph Bolloten was known for his sense of humour and for many years during the very early part of the 20th century, he sponsored and ran Limerick Competitions in the Welsh Press. Known as 'Limerick Bolloten', over 300 competitors at a time would send their entries in to Joseph Bolloten himself, from all over North Wales and he would judge them and give out cash prizes.
On 4 April 1901, the Welsh Language newspaper, Y Clorianydd, reports in great detail a Jewish wedding that took place at the Bangor Synagogue. The building was described as having been lavishly decorated by Joseph Bolloten and Miss G. Wartski. The wedding was that of Miss A. Bolloten and Mr. D. Sharp of Manchester and the service was led by the Rev. J. Rosenzweig. The wedding feast later took place at Joseph Bollten's residence in Upper Bangor.
Son of Joseph Bolloten, Burnett was born in Bangor. He never got on with his 'domineering' father, and when in 1928 he was sent abroad to buy diamonds, Burnett never returned. Whilst in Spain, Burnett developed an interest in European politics and began writing upon it. This was the beginning of a glittering career that made him one of the most renowned political commentators of his generation. When he emigrated to America, in 1948, he became subject to anti-Communist investigations. His 1979 book The Spanish Revolution remains the definitive book on the Spanish Civil War to this day. He died in California in 1987.
LOCATION:SH 57712 72251
Lat: 53.228187 Long: -4.1329944
20. The Aronson Family's Last House: End of an Era - The Former Location of Regent Street (University's Brigantia Building, Penrallt, Upper Bangor)
After over a century in the city, the last member of the Aronson family left in July 1916.We often refer to the Aronson family in this trail, as among the first to settle in the city. However, The Chronicle of July 1916, recorded the sad fact that Louis Aronson was leaving the city to move to Llandudno. After over a century, he would be the last member of his family to live in Bangor. A week later, the newspaper ran an advertisement selling all his furniture. Number 11, Regent Street where he lived was recently demolished to make way for the University's Brigantia building.
LOCATION:SH 57869 72266
Lat: 53.228358 Long: -4.1306475
21. Morris Wartski's Home - 8 Eldon Terrace, Glanrafon Hill
Morris Wartski's home in Bangor...Morris was the first Wartski to settle in and set up business in Bangor, by the 1890s. As a result of his success he bought a grand house on Glanrafon Hill overlooking the city, for himself and his 6 children. Unfortunately, one of his sons, Charles, died here aged 34, after 'long suffering extending over eighteen years'. Charles had had an accident in his youth and had been ill since then. However, this did not stop him from taking an interest in communal affairs both in Bangor and Llandudno. Charles Wartski was buried at Green Lane Cemetery, Liverpool.
LOCATION:SH 57744 72094
Lat: 53.226788 Long: -4.1324526
22. St. James Church Hall, Glanrafon Hill - 'Trem Y Ddinas' (Private)
During the Second World War, Isidore Wartski prepared 'kosher' meals for up to 60 Jewish refugee children in the hall....'Trem y Ddinas' houses stand today where St. James' Church Hall once stood. The Hall was affectionately known locally as 'The Tin Hut' and 'Jimmy's Hop', where dances would regularly take place on a Friday night and Youth Clubs during the week. Here, too, Isidore Wartski prepared 'kosher' meals for as many as 60 Jewish children who came to Bangor during the wear, both as refugees and the children of those who had come to work in the Diamond Cutting factories.
LOCATION:SH 57735 72075
Lat: 53.226615 Long: -4.1325706

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