Equal Opportunities Policy
1.1 NAJHT is committed to equality of opportunity and to promoting good relationships with all minorities, but in particular diverse ethnic, racial and faith groups.
1.2 NAJHT will seek to ensure that no Director, staff member, volunteer or trainee or any organisation or individual with whom we provide a service, will be discriminated against on the grounds of age, race, colour, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, family status, religious belief, offending record or any unfair or unjustifiable reason.
1.3 NAJHT will ensure through its publications, website presence and publicity that its services are perceived as open to all.
1.4 NAJHT will expect all its employees and volunteers to be committed to working in a manner that encourages the equality of opportunity.
2.1 NAJHT exists to acknowledge, celebrate and respect the diverse historical heritage of this country through its specific expertise in the patterns of settlement of the Jews in England. It does this through:
• Outreach programmes in partnership with education, faith groups, community groups, museums and libraries, voluntary sector;
• Development of heritage trails, supported by trained guides and accessible resources;
• The NAJHT Website, which is accessible to users with disabilities and follows accessibility protocols such as WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative).
• Links with other faith and cultural heritage projects, such as the Anglo-Sikh Heritage Trail and Jewish Heritage UK.
• Active targeting of diverse audiences for the project, including people with physical and mental disability, BME groups, and people experiencing social or economic exclusion.
In order to achieve the aims of the policy, NAJHT recognises the need to uphold the following principles:
2.2 Equality of opportunity and entitlement.
All people, regardless of sex, marital status, age, creed, colour, race and sexual orientation have the same rights in respect of project opportunities as others. NAJHT accepts that it has a duty to ensure that, as far as possible, these groups are not prevented from enjoying these rights.
2.3 Employment and recruitment.
In seeking workers, volunteers and trainees for the work of NAJHT, opportunities will be publicised as widely as possible. Records shall be maintained in order to establish whether any group is under or over represented in areas of provision and efforts shall be made to rectify any imbalance, which emerges if deemed appropriate.
2.4 Consultation and self-advocacy.
In the programming, recruitment and evaluation of its work, NAJHT seeks full participation of workers, volunteers and trainees in decisions surrounding their training, employment and personal requirements.
2.4 Support practice.
All staff, volunteers and trainees are offered a period of induction training within which this Equal Opportunities Policy is brought to the attention of new recruits and it is assured that all aspects of this policy are understood.
2.4.1 Where difficulties, misunderstandings and misinformation exist towards a disadvantaged group, NAJHT will make every effort to resolve such difficulties in a positive and informative manner.
2.4.2 Deliberate contravention of the Equal Opportunities Policy will result in disciplinary proceedings.
2.5 Awareness of potential.
NAJHT will strive to enable workers, volunteers and trainees to realise their full Personal and creative potential.
In pursuance of the stated aims and recognising the need to uphold the principles, NAJHT monitors, and will take appropriate action in the areas of recruitment and employment, project provision, resources, physical access, trainee support and staff development. In addition, NAJHT carries out a yearly review of all aspects of the organisation's work in relation to this policy.
3.2 Recruitment
NAJHT seeks to ensure that appropriate liaison takes place with other agencies working with people from the participant groups.
3.3 Resources
NAJHT seeks to provide specialist equipment and materials, which improve communications and access to workers, volunteers and trainees.
3.4 Physical access
NAJHT seeks where possible, to carry out its work in buildings and areas which are physically accessible. Where this is not possible, NAJHT shall as a priority, look for funding, (and/or) sponsorship to make adequate adaptations, or in the case of another organisation's premises, liase with that organisation to improve access. NAJHT's activities are based on a social model of disability, where we will accommodate disabled people on the basis of equality, whether or not we have a disability.
3.5 Staff and volunteer development
NAJHT is committed to a staff development programme that aims to increase the skills of staff and volunteers to work effectively to deliver the aims of the Heritage Trails project.
This Equal Opportunities Policy shall be subject to a yearly review. The review team shall be made up of representatives from the Board of Directors, the staff team and where possible the participant groups and customers.
4.2 The review and setting of priorities for development should be part of the consideration of the Directors and shall be formally approved by them.
4.3 Where the review teams needs clarification or information, they can call upon the advice or practice of outside individuals or organisations.
4.4 All staff, volunteer and trainees shall be informed of all amendments to this Policy and shall make all efforts to implement any recommended changes.